
In the age of the Internet and globalisation, fluid communication across language barriers has never been more important. Translation is therefore essential in many international contexts: setting up operations abroad, internationalising your offer, communicating with multicultural partners... Whatever the sector concerned (medical, legal, financial...), or the type of service (translation, interpreting, voice dubbing...), Alphatrad UK has professionals working in over 100 languages, from the most widely spoken languages in the world to the rarest languages.

Certified translation of a birth certificate
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Translations
To have a birth officially recorded, you need to follow a specific administrative process. In some cases, you may also need to have a birth certificate translated. To help you, Alphatrad outlines below what you need to know about getting a birth certificate translated.  
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Which African languages are spoken the most?
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
The African continent is the second largest on earth, covering about 30 million square kilometres. About 1.2 billion people live in Africa and although about 2,000 indigenous languages exist, English, French or Arabic are spoken officially in many places. Africa's turbulent history with its colonisation is the reason for the use of European languages on official occasions.
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Which Asian languages are spoken the most?
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
With an area of more than 44 million square kilometres, the Asian continent is the largest on earth. About 4.5 billion people live in the 47 internationally recognised states in Asia and they speak over 2,000 different languages. The development and maintenance of the languages has been completely different from that on the European continent, where short distances between countries have encouraged mixing of vocabularies. On the huge continent of Asia, on the other hand, some languages have been able to develop and remain free of major outside influences over the centuries.
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All about journalistic translation
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Translations
With the globalisation of information channels, journalistic translation is increasingly in demand, whether by the media, news agencies or international companies. This unique type of translation requires not only strong linguistic skills, but, also excellent writing skills.   What is a journalistic translation? Journalistic translation refers to the translation of content written by journalists for the media including for the written press, digital media, and audiovisual media:
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Cultural differences between Spain and the UK
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
The cultural differences between Spain and the UK are immediately obvious when you visit each country. The lifestyle, the pace of life in the cities and the personality of the citizens are completely different and the countries are like night and day.   Greetings In Spain people greet each other with two kisses, whereas in the UK, people usually greet each other with a single kiss on the cheek, a hug, a handshake or a simple verbal greeting.  
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Most spoken languages in Europe
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
Covering about 10 million square kilometres, Europe is the second smallest continent on earth. About 750 million people live there in 47 states. Depending on the definition, Europeans use 150 to 200 different languages. The majority of their languages belong to the Indo-European language families.
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Dialects in Switzerland
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
As small as Switzerland may seem on a map with its approximately eight million inhabitants, the country has significant linguistic diversity, as there are four different language regions and therefore four official languages. 17 of the 26 cantons use German as their official language, in three cantons German and French are spoken equally and in Grisons (Graubünden) Italian, German and Romansh have been recognised as official languages.
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Cultural differences between Germany and Great Britain
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
The cultural differences between the British and the Germans are noticeable in everyday life, but speaking English is not much of a problem for most Germans as they have been taught it at primary school since 2005. Learn more about the differences in the following article.  
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Cultural differences between France and the UK
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
The UK and France may be geographically close, but their cultures differ in many ways. Check out our top 5 biggest cultural differences between the two countries.   1) Eating habits in France and the UK One of the biggest cultural differences between France and England is in people’s eating habits.
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How to translate an e-book?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Marketing
The e-book, or electronic book, is one of the most popular ways of showcasing digital content nowadays. If you want to distribute an e-book internationally, translation is essential. But how do you go about it? Who do you use? And, what are the best practices to follow? We tell you everything here.  
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