The e-commerce sector has been growing steadily for years, and more and more purchases are being made with the simple click of a mouse. Some industries are particularly benefiting from this trend, while others still have a lot of development potential. Fashion is a particular favourite for online shopping, booking travel online is becoming more and more popular, and furniture is being delivered to the front door with increasing frequency. Shopping online involves a simple click of a button; there are no opening hour restrictions, you don’t need any special advice, and there are a wide range of payment options. Online shopping is becoming increasingly common, especially in rural areas.
Meat, bread, and vegetables rarely delivered
Retail grocery shopping in Spain accounts for a turnover of around 77 billion euros and in Germany it accounts for more than 120 billion annually. Online shops in this sector are looking at low growth rates for grocery shopping in most countries.
Only in China does online food shopping account for more than 30 million euros annually, followed by the USA with nearly 25 million euros. Switzerland and Germany have a combined annual turnover of only around 2.5 million euros in online food retailing and there is still plenty of room for development for resourceful entrepreneurs.*
Exotic with a click – the language brings in the sales
Shops that specialise in exotic and long-life foods have a good chance of gaining a foothold in the market. If the supermarket next door doesn’t have something, you can usually buy it online. Multilingual shops with clear written descriptions of products on their websites are ideally placed to attract shoppers and to experience healthy growth. We have specialist translators available who are happy to assist you with the translation of website and online content into various languages.
*Source: Statista
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