Technical manuals are documents containing instructions to help users understand how a product or device works. The manuals are used by our customers in industries such as engineering, medicine and computer science.
In short, this type of technical documentation makes it easier for the end customer to achieve their objectives when using a product. Because of the nature of the content, the translation of technical manuals requires accuracy and the involvement of professionals with technical knowledge.
Therefore, background knowledge of the field and mastery of the subject matter of the translation are some of the key aspects that ensure that the documents are perfectly tailored to the needs of future equipment buyers.
Translators of technical manuals not only need to have a precise knowledge of the concepts, but also have to adapt the content correctly to the target language and be familiar with the terminology used.
Well translated technical manuals help users
A well translated technical manual helps the customer to get the most out of the product and ensures that the equipment is used correctly.
Poorly translated technical manuals can have negative consequences for companies and customers – but don't worry too much! Our team of translators has drawn up a list of tips to ensure high-quality language services... curious?
Best tips for the translation of technical manuals
The message must be clear and simple
When translating technical manuals, the content should always be clear and simple. In this way, users can understand the information better – this applies to all languages.
Amongst other aspects, you need to avoid ambiguities that could confuse end users. You need to get the message across immediately, while making sure that the message is clear and simple, especially when technical documents are to be translated – so make sure you use short, concise sentences!
Translate and communicate precisely
The faithful translation of technical manuals helps customers to get the most out of their equipment and at the same time, is the only way to ensure that the product is used safely and correctly.
If a customer does not understand exactly how to use a product correctly and suffers an accident as a result, the company can be held liable for the costs involved.
Create your own glossary
If certain recurring terms are used, it is important that you have uniformity of the manual and you should consider having a glossary of terms.
The glossary can include abbreviations and other reference materials, which greatly simplify translation. If you have your own style guide or glossary, you can import it into a terminology database and include it in a CAT tool.
Use of computer-aided translation tools
Computer-aided translation tools are essential for managing demanding projects in record time. As a reference translation agency, we at Optilingua have one of the best tools on the market for producing translations.
For example, we have been working with the powerful SDL Trados auxiliary software for years, particularly when it comes to specialised technical manuals. Among other benefits, this resource helps us to reduce service costs and delivery times, and it also guarantees the consistency of terms and expressions regularly used in translations.
Do you want to have a technical manual translated?
The translation of technical manuals requires good writing skills and a high level of experience in specialised fields. When translating manuals, a number of key points should be considered to ensure user-friendliness.
Technical translations are part of our everyday business, as they are one of the services most in demand by our customers. Regardless of the target language, our specialists guarantee perfect translation of documents into the mother tongue of the end user.
Our translators provide a quick and efficient service, high-quality results, and they are competitively priced. All translators are chosen on the basis of their experience and skills. Click here to request a quote – we look forward to hearing from you!
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