Do you want to convert your video into a high-quality text format? Our language services agency Alphatrad offers video transcription services from professional transcribers, in all languages and for all types of content.
Methods used to transcribe a video file into text
There are several ways to transcribe a video. For example, there are automatic transcription tools available online. However, such software is rarely of sufficient quality to allow the document to be used with confidence. It is also possible to transcribe your video manually, but this process is very time-consuming, laborious, and requires advanced language skills.
The safest way to transcribe a video into text is to use a professional transcriber (especially if the document is to be shared with stakeholders: customers, business partners, employees, etc.).
This is the only way to ensure that the video transcription is of a high enough quality, free of clumsiness or errors, and that the content of the video is accurately and precisely reproduced.
A quick and easy professional solution:
1To request a quote, fill in the form and upload your files
2You will receive a quote from us
3Once you have accepted the quote, you can place your order
Alphatrad, your trusted partner for video transcriptions
At Alphatrad, we can transcribe all types of videos, thanks to the know-how of experienced native transcription professionals:
- Interview transcriptions
- Transcriptions of conferences, seminars, or symposiums
- Transcriptions of videos of YouTube, Vimeo etc.
- Transcriptions of promotional videos
- Transcriptions of institutional videos
- Webinar transcriptions
- Transcriptions of professional meetings
- Transcriptions of legal proceedings
- ...
We guarantee you a high-quality video transcription, which is usable straightaway and carried out in the strictest confidence.
We can process all types of video media: MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV... and we are also able to produce audio transcriptions (MP3, WAV, MIDI, WMA...).
Our different languages supported:
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Ucrainian
- Other languages
FAQ about video transcription services
In which languages do you offer video transcription services??
Our large pool of professional transcribers throughout Europe allows us to offer video transcription services in more than 100 languages, whether they are common languages (such as video transcriptions in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic...) or not so common languages (Somali, Finnish, Korean...).
In what format should I send my video for transcription?
You can send us your video in whatever format you choose: AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV... However, we ask you to check the sound quality before sending us your file. The content must be perfectly clear and intelligible or we will not be able to process it.
How much does it cost to transcribe a video?
The price of a video transcription depends on factors such as the length of the video recording; the type of content; the level of complexity; the language pairing, etc. Our rates also vary according to specific client requests (urgent transcription, translation of a transcription, etc.).