The purpose of market and competition analyses is to examine companies and their environments carefully.
The studies are used to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks for a company in the target market.
Competition is understood to mean all companies that operate in the same market and fulfil the same function within the same group of customers, regardless of the technology.
To carry out a proper market and competition analysis of a company, several aspects need to be considered, starting with an analysis of the circumstances of the company. This forms part of the external analysis of the company, which includes the investigation of intermediaries and suppliers. In addition an internal analysis must be carried out, in which the circumstances of the company, its resources, and capacity are investigated.
To assess the competitiveness of a company, each report must assess the potential risks posed by new market participants, rivalry between competitors, bargaining power with suppliers and customers, as well as the possible risks posed by substitute products and services.
Translation of market and competition analyses
The translation of documents relating to market and competition analysis constitutes a very important tool for a company's successful development. This can be put down to internationalisation, which confronts all internationally active companies today. Having a translation of these documents available is therefore crucially important so that all areas and locations of the company are familiar with it.
Moreover, market and competition analyses play an important role in communicating the situation of the company to unitholders and shareholders, which is why these documents need to be translated into the native language of the relevant addressees.
The translation of this content should therefore be entrusted to specialists, which are familiar with this field and with the translation of these specific documents. Given the transitory nature and limited availability of these documents, the team of specialist translators entrusted with the translation has to act promptly, so that customers can be provided with the high quality documents in good time.
We frequently translate the following kinds of documents:
- Annual financial statements and audit reports
- Management reports, annual reports, and quarterly reports
- Private banking sector
- Shares and shares reports
- Risk analyses (e.g. country risk analyses)
- Investment reports and investment analyses
- Market and competition analyses
- Share issue reports
- Investment funds and fund prospectuses
- Time deposit contracts and/or savings accounts
- Stock market reports and analyses
- Trading software